Tale of Tuesdays: Stahly Month 3 – Ironsoul’s Condemnors
Another month of #taleoftuesdays, another warband. After Arcane missed his deadline last week (shame! shame! shame!), it’s my turn to step in and present you the start of my second warband. I went for Ironsoul’s Condemnors, leftover from my Dreadfane box, and also the first…
Tale of Tuesdays: Garfy Month 3 – Thorn’s of the Briar Queen
If you’ve been following #TaleofTuesdays, you’ll know that every month we all paint half a warband so at the end of the 4 months we have two completed warbands fully painted. I got carried away this month and I’ve finished my Night Haunts completely in…
Tale of Tuesdays: Stahly Month 2 – Ylthari’s Guardians
Month 2 of #taleoftuesdays Underworlds edition has concluded, and, to the disbelief of everyone, I finished my entry in time. Let’s raise the curtain for Ylthari’s Guardians, four angry tree spirits to fight against global heating for Shardglass. Let the march of the Ents Sylvaneth begin!…
WIP: Underworlds Ylthari’s Guardians #2
Next Tuesday wraps up my first #taleoftuesdays warband, so I’m approaching the final stretch for my second batch of Ylthari’s Guardians. Hope I’ll get them finished this weekend. How do you like my paint scheme so far? Already thinking about me next warband. Maybe something……
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane Month 2 – Thundrik’s Profiteers
Hi (ho, hi ho), Arcane here with the second instalment of my #TaleofTuesdays Underworlds post. Engage aetheric engines and take off with me after the jump. Following Garfy’s example I’m back on track and hit the deadline. I’ve finished all five members of Thundrik’s Profiteers….
WIP: Underworlds Ylthari’s Guardians #1
I desperately need to catch up with Garfy, who already completed his first warband, and my fellow #taleoftuesdays painters. I’m furiously painting my Ylthari’s Guardians and making good progress. Ahnslaine on the left is pretty much done, Gallanghann just needs a few highlights on his…
Tale of Tuesdays: SpaceShrimp month 2 – Godsworn Hunt
Hey everyone, Spaceshrimp here with my second Underworlds war band post for Tale of Tuesdays. And a stray dog has joined! Grawl is an interesting animal sculpt. Off the face of it, it just looks like a dog. But on closer inspection, especially when scrutinising…
Tale of Tuesdays Underworld Edition: Readers’ models Month 1
Month 1 of #taleoftuesdays Underworld edition has concluded. A couple of talented painters from the Warhammer community joined us on our path to paint two warbands in four months. Check out their must-see warbands after the jump. First, we have this fully painted Beastmen warband…
Tale of Tuesdays: Grashrak’s Despoilers Month 2
We peer into the cavernous gullet of the Beastgrave Mountain today and view upon the bestial fury that is Grashrak’s Despoilers. Completed Warband and the completed boxed game pictures after the jump. This is my second month of this series of Tale of Tuesdays and…
Tale of Tuesdays: Arcane Month 1 – Thundrik’s Profiteers
Hello everyone, Arcane here with the first instalment of my Tale of Tuesdays Underworlds warband post. Let’s look to the skies as I introduce you to the Thundrik’s Profiteers… Now I know what you’re all thinking, does Arcane have a thing for dwarves? The answer…
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