Showcase: Dark Angel Primaris Reivers
Conquest work continues with the completion of Issue 3. My first time painting Reivers and I really enjoyed it. More pics after the jump. The sculpts of these ‘easy to assemble’ models are actually really dynamic. I think the sculptors have done a great job…
Showcase: Dark Angel Redemptor Dreadnought
Regular readers following my progress with the Conquest publication might be surprised to see this Dreadnought. No, I haven’t had the Dreadnought issues early, it’s just a standard Easy to Assemble Redemptor Dreadnought I had on my to do pile. Whilst waiting for issues…
WIP: Imperial Fists Primaris Intercessor
I’ve just put the final finishing touches to my Aeldari Windriders (stay tuned for a Showcase post soon), so I decided to go for a fun little model next. I had this Primaris Intercessor laying about, and I haven’t painted a Primaris Marine before. I’m…
Showcase: Guardian of the Covenant Primaris Intercessor by FruitBear
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since my last post. Times have been very busy and hectic but luckily I’m still able to get some hobby done. For a while, I’ve wanted to look for an easy Space Marine scheme that isn’t time-consuming. I really…
Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Captain by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledo here with a Primaris Ultramarine Captain. I painted this guy as a gift for a close friend that got me into the hobby. I decided on an Ultramarine because they’re my friend’s favourite chapter, and he’s a bit of a son of…
WIP: Primaris Ultramarines Intercessors #1
Wait a minute! In my last post I said I was going to paint Spiteclaw’s Swarm, the Shadespire Skaven Warband… but these are clearly Primaris. Well, I can explain. I hate assembling models and cleaning moldlines. Even though the Skaven were just five small models…
WIP: Ultramarine Primaris Space Marine Intercessor
Quick break from Shadespire, I thought I’d work on a single Ultramarine for a change of pace. I usually batch paint these but I fancied just painting a single model. I’m not sure if it’s the paint handle (currently in stock) or if it is because I’m…
Showcase: Primaris Ultramarines Lieutenant
I don’t paint anything for months and then all of a sudden BAM! A few new marines are painted and added to my Army of the Imperium project. This guy was fun to paint. After the jump, I share my thoughts on my problems with…
WIP: Primaris Ultramarines Lieutenant #1
Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings! I almost wanted to name this blog post WIP Punisher Marine. I think he has an air of Jon Bernthal about him, it might just be me because I’ve been watching the Punisher on Netflix for the past week. As…
Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Ancient with banner
This feels good. Finishing this model has been such a long time coming! I’m not a fan of half finished projects and the longer I leave it the harder it is to come back to it. I’m really happy with myself for pulling my finger…