WIP: Horus Heresy Word Bearers Marines #3
Hey all, just a quick update on the Word Bearers that I am working on at the moment. Since the last post I have just been blocking in different areas and currently in the process of tidying things up. The next step I will be…
WIP: Horus Heresy Word Bearers Marines
Hey all, today is just a quick update on some Word Bearer Marines that I am currently working on. I downed the colour on the red to make it more a crimson, but still feel I will darken the colour more with a final oil…
WIP: Nighthaunts Tomb Banshee
Hey all, today I thought I’d show the beginnings of a Nighthaunt Tomb Banshee. I have had this model laying around for several years now and decided the other day to assemble and paint her. I guess I could just leave the model as it…
WIP: Word Bearer Tactical Squad
Hey all and hope you’re having a great Monday. Today I’m showing the beginnings of a unit of Word Bearers. The models are made up of the Tactical Marine sprues from GW’s Calth box set. I have also mixed in Forge Worlds Word Bearer Mark IV…
Showcase: Genestealer Cult Sentinels
Hey all and hope you’re having an awesome Saturday!! Today I’m showing some recently finished Genestealer Cult Sentinels. I love this model, in fact out of the entire GW range it has always been my favourite. I painted the models in two different colour schemes…
Showcase: Tau Sa’Cea Stealth Suits Kill Team
Hey all, today I thought I’d show a Kill Team group of Tau Sa’Cea Stealth Suits. I painted these models up a few years ago as a commission and I want to paint a similar group for myself. I had my first Kill Team game…
Showcase: Chaos Space Marines Ahriman Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch
Hey all, hope your having a good Monday. Today I thought I’d show a recently finished Ahriman Arch-Sorcerer of Tzeentch. GW over the last six months have been releasing a lot of Tzeentch models and they have all been pretty fantastic. Ahriman is one of…
WIP: Age of Sigmar Ironjawz Brutes
Hey all, to start the new year off I have begun painting some Orruk Brutes. I have had these models laying around since last autumn. It was one of those many impulse buys that ended up in a large pile of GW boxes that I…
Chat: ThirdEyeNuke’s 2017 Hobby Resolution and Recap of 2016
Hey guy’s Happy New Year and hope you all had a fantastic Christmas, and what a year it’s been in painting for me. It literally did not stop. I have chosen below some of my faviourite models that I showed on Tale of Painters as…
Showcase: Genestealer Cult Goliath Rockgrinder
Hey all and Merry Christmas!!! Hope you all got everything that you wanted and you had a great time. Today I want to show the finally finished Goliath Rockgrinder that I have had sitting around since it was first released. I really like this model,…
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