Would you like to start a Blood Angels collection and are now (red) thirsty for tips on how to paint them? Then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’ve put together our best tutorials for painting the red of the Blood Angels, the black of the Death Company and the gold of the Sanguinary Guard.

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To help you plan the colour scheme of your new Blood Angels, we’ve put together a selection of our popular free step-by-step tutorials. We’ve got multiple painting guides for both the traditional red, as well as the black of the Death Company, so here we go.

Our “red” Blood Angels tutorials

If you like the oldschool orange red, Garfy has a painting guide for recreating the iconic 90s look with modern paints on Primaris Assault Intercessors:

Here comes a recipe for a deeper red similar to Games Workshop’s box art:

And we’ve also got a step-by-step tutorial for painting deep red Blood Angels armour, demonstrated on this classic Firstborn Space Marine sculpt:

Painting Death Company black

Here comes a Death Company tutorial that matches the colour palette of Stahly’s Blood Angels tutorial above:

Garfy also wrote a tutorial for his classic Firstborn Blood Angels Death Company. His recipe for black armour has a cooler, blueish tint:

Also helpful

Last but not least we have a Black Templars tutorial that covers all you need for Death Company – the black armour, the red, the bone.

And in this tutorial Stahly explains how to paint golden armour quickly, perfect for Sanguinary Guard:

Quenching the thirst

Garfy’s Blood Angel Terminator and Ballistus Dreadnought, check out more pictures here

Hopefully our tutorials will help and inspire you to get started with your Blood Angels collection. Please post your results on our Discord server or use the hashtag #taleofpainters on social media.

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Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay