40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Fire Dragons of Saim-Hann

Finally proper group shots of my recently finished Fire Dragons squad! I really like them, with their limited palette they integrate nicely in my Saim-Hann Eldar army. The dark reddish brown armour turned out just how I wanted. Another shot after the jump. And these...

Tales from the Network #14

Time for another Tales from the Network, the semi-regular feature on Tale of Painters. This is the place where we will present you the best posts from our friends and fellow bloggers from the ever-growing Tale of Painters Blog Network. We had some great additions...

WIP: Eldar Prince Yriel #1

Hi there, I started painting Prince Yriel. As you might guess I’m going to paint him in Saim-Hann colours. I primed him with Army Painter Pure Red spray, did the base and started painting the coat. For the Tyranid limb he is standing on I...

Eldar Fire Dragons finished!

Hey guys, I’ve just put the finishing touches to the second and final batch of Fire Dragons! So what’s next apart from varnishing and group pictures? Another Eldar model coming along, I’m going to paint Prince Yriel in Saim-Hann colours. How do you like them?...
40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint Eldar of Saim-Hann

Hey guys, lately a lot of people asked me how I paint my Eldar models. This is why I dug out this old tutorial which covers almost all techniques and paints I use for my Saim-Hann warhost. Enjoy! 1. Prime with Army Painter Pure Red....

Fire Dragons 2nd batch WIP #2

Back at painting Fire Dragons. I finished the reds and the wraithbone and did most of the gems. What do you think? I hope to finish them this weekend.