Kill Team: Shadowvaults Review/Unboxing
Kill Team, Reviews

Review: Kill Team: Shadowvaults

Just a few weeks after the release of Kill Team: Into the Dark, the next big box set follows with Kill Team: Shadowvaults. The brand new Cadian Kasrkin take on the Necron Hierotek Circle. In this review, we take a look at the full box...
Horus Heresy plastic Land Raider Proteus unboxing & review
Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Horus Heresy Land Raider Proteus

Put on your nostalgia glasses, the plastic Land Raider Proteus kit finally arrives for us to review. Based on the proportions and design of the original plastic Land Raider from 1988, the new plastic kit offers a faithful recreation of the Forge World resin model....
Cinematic shot of an Emperor's Children Age of Darkness MkVI Space Marine Legionary
Horus Heresy, Showcase

Showcase: Emperor’s Children MkVI Legionary

After reading the initial four Horus Heresy novels I grew quite fond of the Emperor's Children. I really like their characterisation, their underlying perfectionism, and their complex characters like Saul Tarvitz and Eidolon. Inspired by the novels, I decided that I want to paint a...
Leagues of Votann army set unboxing
40k, Reviews

Review: Leagues of Votann Army Set

In today's review, we take a look at the contents of the brand new Leagues of Votann army set, especially the miniatures and all the build and weapon options. Long announced and often teased, the Kin are the spiritual successors to the Squats, and represent...