Showcase: Alpha Legion Tactical Marines
Hey all, today I thought I’d show some Alpha Legion Marines which are part of a larger army. I was planning on showing some of the new Death Guard models that I am currently working on, but thought I’d show them once they are finished….
Showcase: Alpha Legion and Salamanders Contemptor Dreadnoughts by Aurélie
Hi everyone! Aurélie is back with some Contemptor Dreadnoughts, including short tutorials for painting the Salamanders’ green and the Alpha Legion’s blue. Find out more after the jump! Salamanders green: 1. Black Primer 2. Basecoat of Vulkan Green (Forge World paint) 3. Pre-Shading with Vallejo…
Showcase: Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters
Hi all, it’s nearly Christmas and everybody is going berzerk 🙂 So I thought it is only appropriate to show a model in red and gold colours: Primarch Angron from the World Eaters. To be honest, I had this guy standing on my paint station for…
Showcase: Thousand Sons Legionary in MkIII Armour by FruitBear
Hi everyone! FruitBear back again with a single test mini. This time it’s a MK III marine from the Burning of Prospero Horus Heresy set. MK III have always been my favorite mark of amour so I was so excited for this box set. It…
Showcase: Emperor’s Children Legion Praetor by Banzai1000
Hi all, Banzai1000 here with a quick post of my Emperor’s Children Legion Praetor I finished recently. I like the pose of the model especially . I painted him in the same colour scheme like my other Emperor’s Children, choosing more magenta than violet. Next…
Showcase: Horus Heresy Emperor’s Children by Banzai1000
Hi all, Banzai1000 is back with some Emperor’s Children from the age of the Horus Heresy. More after the jump… The Contemptor Dreadnought from Forge World is the fourth Contemptor Dreadnought I painted so far. The colour scheme is more pink because I prefer it…
Showcase: Alpha Legion Sicaran Battle Tank
Hey all, today I thought I’d show a 30K Alpha Legion Sicaran Battle Tank that I worked on a few months back. The model was part of a medium sized Alpha Legion army that was mainly made up of all Forge World models. I also…
Showcase: Horus Heresy Abaddon
Hey guy’s. Ahh Abaddon, what to say, what to say. So far I have almost just finished the first book Horus Rising, but I get a pretty good idea where it is going for poor Loken. I painted this model for Abaddon up when it…
Showcase: Alpha Legion Tactical Marines
Hey guys, in the final part of my Alpha Legion posts I thought I’d show the troops choices. The models are all made up from a variety of the plastic Calth models and Forge World Alpha Legion bodies, heads and shoulders pads. Also Armillus Dynat…
Showcase: Alpha Legion Anvillus Dreadclaw Drop Pod
Hey all, continuing with the Alpha Legion models I have just finished painting I thought today I would show a Anvillus Dreadclaw Drop Pod. The model itself is quite large, about the same size as a Forge World Dreadnought Drop Pod. Again I have used…
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