Showcase: Alpha Legion Leviathan Dreadnought
Hey all, today I want to show another model from the Alpha Legion army that I have recently completed as a commission. That being a Forge World Leviathan Dreadnought. Lucky for me the model had already been assembled in quite a dynamic pose by the…
Showcase: Alpha Legion Deimos Pattern Rhino
Hey guys, today I thought I’d show the beginning of a Pre-Heresy Alpha Legion army I am working on. It’s an interesting army when it comes to colour schemes as you have so many options available through metallic blue/greens, dark blue, turquoise, in fact most…
Showcase: Death Guard Tactical Marines
Hey guys, today I thought I’d finally show the finished Death Guard Tactical Marines that I have been working on. Hopefully this time the photos are a little better since I have fixed my photo lamp. I’m kind of pleased that I have finished these…
Showcase: Sons of Horus by Banzai1000 #2
Hi all, Banzai1000 here with some new Sons of Horus models. See what I’ve accomplished after the jump… My second Comtemptor Dreadnought. For this model I used legs and a Keres assault cannon from Forgeworld, an upper body from the Betrayal at Calth box and…
WIP: Horus Heresy Death Guard Tactical Marines
Hey all, today I thought I would show some Horus Heresy Death Guard models that I am working on. The legs, shoulder pads and arms are all from the recent GW Horus Heresy box set. Where as the heads and bodies are from Forge World…
Showcase: Sons of Horus Terminators and Contemptor Dreadnought by Banzai1000
Hi all, Banzai1000 back with some actual work. Like many (?) others I got GW’s Horus Heresy box “Betrayal at Calth” (as a christmas present) and lately I started to paint some of these models. See what I accomplished so far after the jump… I…
WIP: Emperor’s Children Legion Phoenix Terminator Squad
Hey all, today I thought I’d show some Emperor’s Children legion Phoenix Terminators that I have just started working on. So far I am just working on the main base colour for purple. I used a black undercoat followed by a zenethal spray of white…
Showcase: Death Guard MKIC Deimos Pattern Rhinos
Hey all, today I’m showing a couple of Forge World MKIC Diemos pattern Rhinos that I painted up for my Death Guard army over the Christmas holidays. The Christmas period is always a fun time for me when it comes to painting as I use…
Showcase: Chaos Marine Death Guard Landraider
Hey all, today I’m showing another model from my Death Guard army that I’m desperately painting bit by bit whenever I have the free time. The model is your standard Chaos Landraider with Forge World doors and I also used spare parts from a Forge…
Showcase: Emperor’s Children Legion Kakophoni
I picked up these Forge World Emperor’s Children Kakophoni last year at London Comic Con. My original idea was to use them as a side unit in a mainly Death Guard army I was building up. But at the last moment I decided to ditch…
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