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Quick post to show the progress on the Hunter Orcs on Wargs. I’ve made a couple of conversions as well. I’ve green stuffed a banner (tutorial for this is here) and turned a bow into a horn. I drilled out the hand, cut the bow in half and glued the thin end into the hand then drilled out the thick end. This kit is pretty cool because you get a couple of dead Orcs as well. I’m going to use these to test skin tones on.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
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nice stuff…. cant wait to see them finished
These look amazing. It looks like you've used greenstuff on the backs of the wargs as well, is that to add extra fur texture or just to hide the gap – it looks like you added texture there?
No it's just liquid greenstuff to hide joins.
Looking good!
AHHH can't wait until you paint them. BTW I'm sure you noticed but I follow a lot fo the LotR tutorials because the paint jobs go SO well with Warhammer fantasy. I've adopted the mirkwood elves and great eagles for my wood elf army and this will go well with my Orcs and Goblins! you sir are amazing.
Looking great so far. Two questions: is the Green Stuff work on wolf heads done to cover join lines or is it part of the conversion? Is there an alternative for Green Stuff when it is not readily available for buy?
Thanks in advance,
The greenstuff on the head is actually liquid greenstuff painted on thickly and then smoothed out with a large, wet brush.
It's to fill a join line. (Head is two halves).
Milliput make a range of two part putties. I'm ensure which one you would need though. Yellow Grey is too course and not very smooth. If you can't buy greenstuff, I guess you can't get liquid greenstuff either?
Yes, sadly our local dealer in Turkey (which is of course not a GW branch) doesn't restock on liquid green stuff often, thus I'm looking for alternatives. Thank you for the comment 🙂
White Milliput will also work. And as for restock of Liguid Green Stuff, which city are you in? I might be able to help with a care package 😉
Just purchased Revell's Plasto modeling putty. Pretty much meets my needs in covering large join lines, very quick to dry and easy to sand over.
Thanks again for the comment and offer Mr. Lee 🙂
Nice.. just painting up the Hobbit boxset myself so am really happy to see some of these tutorials.. keep them coming! 🙂
Nice customisation. I already have my fell wargs assembled and undercoated in anticipation of this tutorial.
I've finished painting the first Warg and have taken all the pictures. I just need to find the time to write and produce the article. I will be posting the Warg and the Hunter Orc as separate tutorials (as they can be bought separately). I'm thinking the Hunter Orc might be first in just over a weeks time. Sorry for the wait.
No worries. Your Ori, Nori and Dori tutorials are keeping me busy. I'm getting a great crash course in fine line painting 🙂