Showcase: Van Saar Tek Hunters & Orrus Spyre Hunters (inc. painting guides)
I had the opportunity to work with Garfy on the recent Necromunda: Hive Secundus release. Necromunda is one of my favourite games. Sadly, I have not had much opportunity to play the latest edition, this is something that I am hoping to rectify next year. However, I always follow the releases with great interest and have often purchased some of the gangs and models just because I love the characterful sculpts so much. I find they are perfect for using in narrative games of 40k as well.
Showcase: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard
On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard, check out how they did in a recent battle and there’s a recipe card showing how I painted them. There’s also a bonus pic showing all the models I managed to paint in October.
Showcase: Kit-bashed Blood Angel Terminator Captain
Astorath has a grim task, it falls to him to take his brothers’ lives when they have been lost to the Black Rage and have no semblance of control. It is not uncommon for Astorath to best his fallen battle brother in combat before he can bring his executioner’s axe down on them. On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Astorath and I’ll give you a top tip for painting him too.
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Plaza & Ruins #2
In this post, I’m showing you the second half of my Warcry terrain collection. Alongside more Azyrite Ruins, I’ve also painted some scatter terrain pieces I’ve collected from various sources.
Showcase: Stahly’s own Aeldari miniature (inc. painting guides)
Together with sculptor Elfhead, I’ve turned a dream into reality: my very own miniature. The small bust depicts my avatar, myself wearing my YouTube-famous mask and the armour of an Eldar Craftworlds’ Guardian. To celebrate, I’ve painted one of the miniatures, but actually, these little Stahlys were intended for something quite different…
Showcase: Blood Angels Astorath the Grim, Redeemer of the Lost
Astorath has a grim task, it falls to him to take his brothers’ lives when they have been lost to the Black Rage and have no semblance of control. It is not uncommon for Astorath to best his fallen battle brother in combat before he can bring his executioner’s axe down on them. On today’s blog post, I’ll share pictures of my finished Astorath and I’ll give you a top tip for painting him too.
Showcase: Blood Angels Chaplain Lemartes (inc. painting guide)
As the blood wills it, Lemartes chants his Litanies of Hate through his vox grille, directing his blood crazed brothers towards the enemy, suffering the effects of the Black Rage himself, Lemartes strikes his opponents down with the cursed Blood Crozius. In today’s post, I share more pictures of Lemartes, how he performed in a recent game and how I adapted my Death Company colour scheme to paint this chaplain of the lost.
Showcase: Blood Angels Death Company with Jump Packs (inc. painting guide)
Ripping and tearing their way through today are the rage-fuelled Death Company. You had better hope you don’t have a passing resemblance for Horus Lupercal, otherwise they want to have words with you! In today’s showcase post, I’ll share photos of my Death Company and a recipe card showing how I painted them.
Showcase: Ork Beast Snaggas army (inc. painting guides)
A very exciting day for me! It’s my first guest post on Tale of Painters💪. I have been a big fan of the site and artists for such a long time, it’s a real privilege to be able to contribute, albeit in my own small way. To kick off and to celebrate every Orks favourite month, “Orktober”, I would like to share my Beast Snaggas army and showcase photo. “ITS CRUMPIN’ TIME!”
Showcase: Warcry Red Harvest Wooden Tower
My quest to build a complete terrain collection for Warcry, Spearhead, and Warhammer Age of Sigmar continues. In this post, I’m showing the latest additions: the wooden platform from the Varanite Camp in Warcry: Red Harvest.