Editorial, Showcase

Garfy’s 2024 Hobby Resolution and Recap of 2023

Celebrating the last 12 month’s of hobby output is an annual tradition here at Tale of Painters. I’m going to take a look back through the year and share what I managed to paint and how many of my 2023 hobby resolutions I succeeded in completing, I’ll also share my 2024 hobby resolutions and as a bonus, I round up all 30 paint recipes cards I made this year at the end of the post.

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40k, Kill Team, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranids Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts

Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts cinematic shot

In the relentless dance of cosmic predation, Hormagaunts emerge as the embodiment of unyielding terror. In this showcase, I bring forth four meticulously painted Hive Fleet Kraken Hormagaunts, the dynamic poses capturing the chitinous horrors at the zenith of their ferocious onslaught.

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Epic Scale, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors (inc. painting guides)

On today’s blog post I share my tiny tanks and troops. The new Legions Imperialis box set features Legiones Astartes (Space Marines) and Solar Auxilia (Imperial Guard equivalent). This game is set during the Horus Heresy so because it’s one big civil war the forces are all the same on both sides. So you can take this box and make one big army or a Legiones Astartes army vs Solar Auxilia or even two armies with a mix of both factions. For me, I wanted an Iron Warriors force.

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Age of Sigmar, Painting Guides, Showcase

Showcase: Flesh-eater Courts Abhorrant Archregent and Charnel Throne (inc. painting guides)

Perched on his throne of lies, the Abhorrant Archregent rules all before him speaking his madness to all who lay eyes on him. Don’t worry though, you won’t suffer cannibalistic delusions if you read this blog post, instead you’ll be greeted with top quality photographs and painting guides for Flesh-eater Courts Charnel Throne and the Abhorrant Archregent.

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