Showcase: Skaven Clanrats from Skaventide
In today’s showcase post, I’m showing you three of the new Clanrats from Skaventide, which I painted as test models for my new Skaven army. I’ll also explain how I came up with my new colour scheme and where I drew my inspiration from.
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Warcry warband (and battle report)
In June this year, we planned a day full of Warhammer, and our buddy Dunk joined in as well. We decided on a multiplayer game of Warcry so that we could all play simultaneously. I combed through my collection and assembled a warband of Soulblight Gravelords, while Garfy commanded Stormcast and Dunk led Chaos Legionaires. You can find pictures of all our warbands and our game in this showcase post.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Vigilant on Gryph Stalker (inc. painting guide)
Saving the best til last, this week is the fourth and final week of painting a Stormcast Spearhead and I get to share with you the main man, the Lord-Vigilant on his Gryph Stalker. In this post there’s the usual stunning photography of the miniature, a full paint recipe guide and the completed group shot showcasing the entire Spearhead force.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Veritant with Gryph-Crow (inc. painting guide)
My Stormcast Eternals Spearhead continues to grow this week with the addition of the Lord-Veritant and her faithful Gryph Crow. You’ll definitely want to read this post if you’re about to paint your own, I have some assembly tips and a painting guide if you want to paint yours as a Hallowed Knights Stormhost.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Prosecutors (inc. painting guide)
I’m continuing my month long quest to paint a Vigilant Brotherhood Spearhead and for this week I’m painting a unit of Prosecutors. Armed with a Stormcall Javelin these warriors leap into action on wings of flame.
Showcase: Stormcast Eternals Liberators (inc. painting guide)
Today’s post marks the beginning of a month long project of building and painting my first Spearhead for the new edition of Age of Sigmar. Every week, I’ll paint a new unit and add it to the collection. First up, it’s the Stormcast Eternals Liberators. Stay around until the end of this post where I share my painting guide for Sigmar’s bulwark troops.
Showcase: Soulblight Gravelords Vargskyr (inc. painting guides)
To bolster my Soulblight Gravelords warband for Warcry, I’ve enlisted some bestial support in the form of a Vargskyr. This iconic model is one of my favourites from Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, and it pairs wonderfully with my Fell Bats. In this post, I’ll share pictures and explain how I painted the body and details of the Vargskyr.
Showcase: Chaos Sorcerer Lord (inc. painting guide)
In today’s blog post I document painting and photographing my finished Abraxia astride the monstrous Thanatorg. There’s a stunning photo I’ve taken in the style of Frank Frazetta’s art and a complete painting guide with some top tips.
Showcase: Sisters of Battle Tariana Palos (inc. tutorial)
n my showcase post today, I’m presenting my version of Sister Tariana Palos. Painted in the golden armour of The Order of the Golden Light, she is one of my favourite models from the Adepta Sororitas range. Click here for more pictures, a 360-degree view, and a free tutorial.
Showcase: Abraxia, Spear of the Everchosen (inc. painting guide)
In today’s blog post I document painting and photographing my finished Abraxia astride the monstrous Thanatorg. There’s a stunning photo I’ve taken in the style of Frank Frazetta’s art and a complete painting guide with some top tips.
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